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Get Started with Membrane


Elements in Membrane are the most basic entities responsible for processing multimedia. Each instance of an element is an Elixir process, that has an internal state and communicates by message passing. You've already seen some examples of elements in the previous chapter.

Elements are spawned and controlled by their parent, which can be a pipeline or a bin (we'll cover bins in the subsequent chapter).

Element types

The basic types of elements are the following:

  • Source - fetches the stream from outside of the pipeline and delivers it to other elements
  • Sink - consumes the stream from other elements
  • Filter - receives the stream from other elements, processes it and sends it further to the subsequent elements
  • Endpoint - a Source and a Sink combined - can both deliver and consume the data from other elements

To create an element, you need to use the appropriate module - Membrane.Source, Membrane.Sink, Membrane.Filter or Membrane.Endpoint, for example:

defmodule MyElement do use Membrane.Filter # Element implementation end

The Element implementation consists of defining pads, options and callbacks. Let's find out how to do that.


As you already learned, pads allow the creation of the flow of data between elements. Pads, much like contact pads on a printed circuit board, are inputs and outputs of an element and are used to connect the elements with one another. Because of that, there are two types of pads: input and output. It is worth mentioning that Source elements may only contain output pads, Sink elements contain only input pads, and Filter and Endpoint elements can have both of them.

Every pad should define the format of data that it is expecting. This format can be, for example, raw audio with a specific sample rate or encoded audio in a given format.

To send data between elements, their pads need to be linked. There are a couple of rules that apply to pad linking:

  • One pad of an element can only be linked with one pad from another element. (Dynamic pads can help with that limitation; you'll learn about them in the pads_and_linking chapter)
  • Only links between output and input pads are allowed.
  • Accepted stream formats of pads have to be compatible.

Defining pads

Pads can be defined using def_input_pad and def_output_pad macros. They both accept the pad name and the list of properties. The name allows for the identification of the pad. If an element has a single input or output pad, the convention is to name it input or output, respectively. The pad properties are listed below:

  • accepted_format - A pattern for a stream format expected on the pad, for example Membrane.RawAudio or %Membrane.RawAudio{channels: 2}. It serves documentation purposes and is validated in runtime.
  • flow_control - Configures how back pressure should be handled on the pad. You can choose from the following options:
    • :auto - Membrane automatically manages the flow control. It works under the assumption that the element does not need to block or slow down the processing rate, it just processes or consumes the stream as it flows. This option is not available for output pads of Source end Endpoint elements, while for all other pads it's the default.
    • :manual - You need to manually control the flow control by using the demand action on input pads and implementing the handle_demand callback for output pads.
    • :push - It's a simple mode where an element producing data pushes it right away through the output pad. An input pad in this mode should be always ready to process that data.
  • demand_unit - Either :bytes or :buffers, specifies what unit will be used to request or receive demands. Must be specified for inputs that have flow_control is set to :manual.
  • availability - Either :always (default) - meaning the pad is static and available from the moment an element is spawned, or :on_request meaning it is dynamic. We'll learn more about it in the Pads and linking chapter.
  • options - Optional; specification of options accepted by the pad. We'll learn more about it in the Pads and linking chapter.

A pad definition may look like this:

def_input_pad :input, flow_control: :auto, accepted_format: %Membrane.RawAudio{channels: 2}

It means that the element has a static input pad called input, with automatic flow control, that accepts raw audio with two channels.


Element options make it possible to pass configuration data to an element. Elements aren't required to accept any options, but it's useful in many cases. Available options can be specified using the def_options macro, for example:

def_options some_option: [ spec: integer() | string(), default: 0, description: """ This option is intended for... """ ], other_option: [ # ... ]

Each option can have the following fields:

  • spec - The typespec of the values that option can have. Defaults to any.
  • default - The value that the option will have if it's not specified. If the default is not provided, the option must be always explicitly specified.
  • description - Write here what the option does. It will be included in the module documentation.

We'll see a practical example of defining options in the sample element.


Apart from specifying pads and options, creating an element involves implementing callbacks. They have different responsibilities and are called in a specific order. As in the case of pipelines, callbacks interact with the framework by returning actions. Here are some most useful callbacks:

handle_init is invoked once, upon the element creation. It receives options specified by the user, which should be parsed and on their base, the element should create and initialize its internal state. It is called synchronously (the parent waits until it returns), thus you shouldn't perform any long tasks there.

handle_setup is invoked right after handle_init. It's intended for resource allocation or some potentially time-consuming initialization. If you need to make sure that resources are properly released upon element termination, use Membrane.ResourceGuard or Membrane.UtilitySupervisor

After handle_setup, the following callbacks can be called at any point:

handle_playing is called when the stream processing is ready to start. From that point, you can return the following actions:

  • stream_format tells the subsequent element what kind of stream it should expect on the given pad
  • buffer sends media data to the subsequent element; stream_format has to be sent before the first buffer
  • event sends a custom struct to the subsequent or preceding element; downstream events are sent in order with buffers
  • demand requests data from the previous element; only works for pads in flow_control: manual mode
  • end_of_stream tells the subsequent element that the stream has finished, nothing can be sent through that pad afterward

After handle_playing, you should expect the following callbacks to be called:

  • handle_stream_format tells you what kind of stream you should expect on the given pad; called at least once, before handle_start_of_stream, may be called later when the stream format changes

  • handle_start_of_stream is called just before the first buffer arrives from the preceding element

  • handle_buffer is called every time a buffer arrives from the preceding element

  • handle_event is called once an event arrives from the preceding or subsequent element

  • handle_demand is called when the subsequent element requests data on the given pad; only works for pads in flow_control: :manual mode

  • handle_end_of_stream is called when the stream has finished; it may be because the preceding element explicitly returned end_of_stream action, the pad is about to be unlinked or the current element is about to terminate

Finally, handle_terminate_request is called when the parent decides to remove the element. By default, it returns the terminate: :normal action and the element terminates gracefully. Note that this callback is only called when the element is gracefully asked to terminate.

Sample element

That's enough for the theory, let's write some code! We'll create a sample element and plug it into the pipeline from the previous chapter. Here's the element:

defmodule VolumeKnob do @moduledoc """ Membrane filter that changes the audio volume by the gain passed via options. """ use Membrane.Filter alias Membrane.RawAudio def_input_pad :input, accepted_format: RawAudio, flow_control: :auto def_output_pad :output, accepted_format: RawAudio, flow_control: :auto def_options gain: [ spec: float(), description: """ The factor by which the volume will be changed. A gain smaller than 1 reduces the volume and gain greater than 1 increases it. """ ] @impl true def handle_init(_ctx, options) do {[], %{gain: options.gain}} end @impl true def handle_buffer(:input, buffer, ctx, state) do stream_format = ctx.pads.input.stream_format sample_size = RawAudio.sample_size(stream_format) payload = for <<sample::binary-size(sample_size) <- buffer.payload>>, into: <<>> do value = RawAudio.sample_to_value(sample, stream_format) scaled_value = round(value * state.gain) RawAudio.value_to_sample(scaled_value, stream_format) end buffer = %Membrane.Buffer{buffer | payload: payload} {[buffer: {:output, buffer}], state} end end

As the moduledoc says, the element can be used to adjust the audio volume. As we create a filter, we start with use Membrane.Filter clause. Then we define pads, one input and one output:

alias Membrane.RawAudio def_input_pad :input, accepted_format: RawAudio, flow_control: :auto def_output_pad :output, accepted_format: RawAudio, flow_control: :auto

The element is going to receive raw audio and send the raw audio too. The raw audio (sometimes referred to as PCM - Pulse Code Modulation) is a simple digital representation of an audio wave, that we can operate on - for example, change the volume. The Membrane.RawAudio format is defined in the membrane_raw_audio_format package.

Since the element only transforms the stream as it flows, we can safely set flow_control to auto on both pads.

After defining the pads, we can define options. In this case, it's a single option - gain by which the volume will be changed.

def_options gain: [ spec: number(), description: """ The factor by which the volume will be changed. A gain smaller than 1 reduces the volume and gain greater than 1 increases it. """ ]

It's important to provide the type spec and description for each option so that everyone knows how to use it.

Next, we implement the first callback - handle_init:

@impl true def handle_init(_ctx, options) do {[], %{gain: options.gain}} end

The callback does not return any actions (thus the empty list), but it saves the gain passed through options in the state.

Then goes the main part of the element - the handle_buffer callback:

@impl true def handle_buffer(:input, buffer, ctx, state) do

The callback is called whenever a buffer arrives on a pad, and receives four arguments:

Firstly, we use the callback context to get the stream format present on the pad and use a utility from Membrane.RawAudio to calculate the sample size:

stream_format = ctx.pads.input.stream_format sample_size = RawAudio.sample_size(stream_format)

We could have implemented the handle_stream_format callback and stored the sample_size in the element's state too. When there's more work to be done once the stream format arrives, it's the preferred approach, though in a simple case like this we're good using the callback context.

The sample size is the amount of bytes that each audio sample takes. We'll use it to extract each sample from the payload:

payload = for <<sample::binary-size(sample_size) <- buffer.payload>>, into: <<>> do

Now we can convert each sample to an integer with another utility from Membrane.RawAudio: sample_to_value. Having the integer, we can multiply it by the gain and convert it back to the binary representation.

value = RawAudio.sample_to_value(sample, stream_format) scaled_value = round(value * state.gain) RawAudio.value_to_sample(scaled_value, stream_format) end

Finally, we can update the payload and forward the buffer to the output pad using the buffer action.

buffer = %Membrane.Buffer{buffer | payload: payload} {[buffer: {:output, buffer}], state} end

Let's test our element by plugging it into the pipeline from the previous chapter. Since it accepts Membrane.RawAudio, we should plug it after the decoder, which accepts encoded audio and outputs raw audio. Let's update the spec in the handle_init callback of our pipeline:

spec = child(%Membrane.Hackney.Source{ location: mp3_url, hackney_opts: [follow_redirect: true] }) |> child(Membrane.MP3.MAD.Decoder) |> child(%VolumeKnob{gain: 0.2}) |> child(Membrane.PortAudio.Sink)

Let's run the pipeline again:

Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(MyPipeline, mp3_url)

Since we set the gain to 0.2, the audio should play quieter than before.

In this chapter, you learned how elements work and how to create one. Now let's figure out what are Bins.

Next chapter